Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Is it time for Change? And if it is, when you think of Change, what comes to mind? Is Change a good thing? Maybe, depends on what you are wanting to Change. Everyone wants to Change or fix something at some point. But does it really need to be changed or fixed? And who is really making these decision on what needs to be changed or fixed? When prayer was removed from the public schools, were you for that change? Was it a majority or a minority that made that change? And who gave them the right to make that change? We the People put individuals in powerful places and we the People trust these individuals to make sound and reasonable decisions that will benefit us. When these individuals fail to do their duties, we the People remove them and replace them with someone that promises to represent us in a way that we want to be represented. However, Washington is a world away. We the people only know when we are not being properly represented when someone speaks up and tells us what is actually going on in this other world that governs us. We the People use to could count on the media and its reporters to be watchdogs and sound the alarm when the individuals that we sent to Washington were misrepresenting us. But times have changed; yes, there is that word, Change. The media now works for Washington, no longer for We the People. If you don’t believe me, just turn on your television and see for yourself. Pick up any newspaper and magazine and thumb through it. The media no longer reports news that enlightens us on the Changes that are being made in Washington and that are going to affect us weather we want these changes or not. You probably are thinking like I was, prayer removed from school, God removed from Washington, not really anything else left to remove right? Well, our freedoms come to mind, freedom of speech, freedom to make our own decisions. We the People no longer have a voice in Washington and We the People can no longer rely on the media. Washington is taking control of our lives and our lives are about to be Changed in a way like We the People have never experienced. But I know a way to Change that, the only problem is that this will be real Change, unlike Washington’s Change. The more Washington talks about Change, the more it remains the same in Washington. Why must we allow Washington to Change us? Instead of Washington changing us, we the People are going to change Washington in a way that Washington has never experienced. How? We are going to have to stop electing individuals that have no clue what is going on in the real world. A number of the elected individuals in the senate and congress are millionaires and if they aren’t when they get to Washington they will be when they leave. These elite individuals have made Washington their clubhouse. They set around and play monopoly with our money and our lives. These fat cats get special privileges and the ethics committee says that it’s okay. These fat cats pit us against each other so that we don’t catch on to what they are attempting to slip by us. They want the poor to hate the rich, but fail to include themselves or their financial backers in the group of the rich. They want us to hate the people that own small businesses, the people that are actually helping out our local economy. Therefore, they must leave the clubhouse and give up all of their special privileges. You know who would be a good candidate to put in their place? Think about this, the person that you run into at the carwash, at the grocery store, at church, at the local high school football game. You know, your neighbor, the person that thinks and lives life the same way that you do and the one that you can trust to lookout for your family when you are out of town on the job. Or someone like your brother or sister, son or daughter, someone who knows what a carton of eggs or a gallon of gas cost, someone who knows what it is like to live paycheck to paycheck, someone who knows the value of a dollar. The Washington Elite only have to fulfill one term to be able to retire with great benefits. Wouldn’t you like to retire with great benefits, don’t you know someone who has worked hard and deserves to be able to retire with no worries? Well, we can put them in office if there are enough of us that want this kind of Change. Think about it. The one’s that are in Washington are no better than We the People are and have no good reason to be using our tax dollars to pay for their health insurance because they are wealthy beyond what you and I will ever experience. We the People are the ones that put them there, let’s take them out. Let’s put people like us in Washington and then we won’t have to rely on the media who has changed the scale of fair and balanced. Now, we can talk change and get nowhere. Or we can leave the parties that are supposed to be representing us and start our own. Something like,” WE THE PEOPLE Party,” the party that’s for bringing this country back to basics. I’m just one individual with limited ideas, what are your ideas for We the People and this country? Let’s hear them please. We can learn from acorn and the other liberal owned organization, we can organize just as well with better intentions. You may not think that you’re smart enough to hold a political office. Just take a step back and look at who we have in these political offices at this time. Come on, they hand over all their work to interns, decisions are being made by interns. These politicians have no clue, and have no business holding these positions. We can take their jobs from them and bring some kind of dignity back to Washington by removing the Chicago style politics. It can be done. If it’s going to be done, now is the time to do it. The Democrats have been high-jacked by the far left liberals and the Republicans are setting on their hands and doing nothing but crying foul as if that is going to stop Washington from wrecking our lives forever. I work in the prison system. There are 2 types of offenders, convicts and inmates. The convicts are individuals that have been locked away from the real world for a very long period of time and are very savvy at manipulating those around them. The inmates on the other hand are new to the prison life and eventually look up to the convicts. The convicts in return will use the inmates to cause a disturbance or some kind of distraction so to get the attention of the prison staff as a way of getting something in or out, and when it’s all over, the convict ends up just being an innocent bystander. I look at Washington, and I see nothing but convicts that are so far from reality that if they ever left Washington they would be lost forever. Are you one of their inmates? You can laugh, but what do I know? I’m just one individual that lives from paycheck to paycheck. Oh yea, and I’m also an individual that has in my possession a legitimate voters card with my name on it.


  1. Wow - this is very insightful! Maybe you will father a movement?

  2. Kochin, I have heard you talk and I have heard your ideas, but until I read this blog, I didn't reaally realize you make alot of sense. I commend you for your thinking and writing ability. You put it in words that anyone can understand. What you have said makes alot of sense and has helped me open my eyes. Thank you for having a voice and an opinion. Keep up the good work. I'm behind you 100%.

  3. Couldn't have said it better myself, Brother. Your the voice that a lot of people need.
